Bookseller Catalogs

179: Jeff’s Fables

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

179: Jeff’s Fables JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #179: Another in my “Bookseller Cabinet” series wherein the bookseller plays. There are a wide variety of books in fine printing (Kelmscott, Grabhorn, Plantin Press), bibliography, voyages & travel (Struys, Tournefort), photography (Algiers, Persia), early printed books (Nicephorus Gregoras), philosophy (Blagrave, Glanvill), books on books, calligraphy (Father Catich), printing history, literature (Brontert Bridges, D.H. Lawrence, Thoreau, W.B. Yeats). Opening with a printing rarity, a survivor from the 1666 Great Fire of London, Barlow’s great Large Paper illustrated Aesop. [127 items]

How to request a print version: Catalogues are available on request.

180: The Physician’s Pulse-Watch [Medical books]

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

180: The Physician’s Pulse-Watch [Medical books] JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #180: This instalment of the MEDICAL CATALOGUE series offers all recent acquisitions in the history of medicine. The reader will find a selection of eighteenth century and earlier works, including Albinus, Cruikshank, Fouquet, Goulard, Hahnemann, Haller, Hoffman, Malpighi, Pellerin and perhaps highlighted by a lovely copy of Jenner’s Cow-Pox, 1798, and a choice copy of Floyer’s The Physician’s Pulse-Watch, is found at item 51. NO BOOKS OR LIQUOR met with a determined end back in 1839. For that story read entry #14 Bell and learn of the remarkable affection for books and booze that were one man’s vice, being his lust for life and all things tasteful (that without them he would not want to live!).

How to request a print version: Catalogues available on request.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

181: BOOKSELLER’S CABINET JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #181: FINALLY after five years of an adventurous and nomadic lifestyle, I left Los Angeles for North San Diego County. I thought my destination would be Escondido where I have been living next to the natural beauty of Lake Hodges reservoir. Hard to give it up, but this week in October we moved once again, this time to the charming community of Carlsbad, 87 miles south of Los Angeles. The early history of this burgeoning village of 112,000 takes its name from a water well that was recognized for its qualities and similar to spas in Germany. Many come for the sea-side. All are welcome to visit. [88 items]

How to request a print version: Catalogues available on request.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

182: ORIENTALIA JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #182: IT IS WITH GREAT PRIDE that I issue this catalogue devoted to my wife. From the first time that I met her I became interested in the history, literature and culture of ancient Persia, or modern day Iran. My college degree from UCLA focused on this field, studying under Dr. Amin Banani. My first serious book collection was on Persian literature in translation. My grandfather even wrote a bibliography on the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Thus applying my bibliographic zeal to the history of Persia, including language, travel, art, and the interaction between the east and west results in this offering. Persian culture is rich with history and lessons, art, design, story-telling and tradition. I know that those who know Iranians know they are a proud and remarkable people who bring much to this world and whose history is often much deeper than one imagines. [48 items]

How to request a print version: Copies on request.

183: Early Optics, Microscopy

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

183: Early Optics, Microscopy JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #183: We have recently acquired the optics & microscopy library of a private collector. The collection has enough highlights to establish the importance of this collection as noteworthy in the history of science. Here is a selection – more to come. Enjoy!

How to request a print version: Catalogues available on request.

William Blake in Color

By John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller

William Blake in Color Plates from the Illuminated Books of William Blake by the Trianon Press (1951-1987). Over three decades the Trianon Press created near indistinguishable pochoir facsimiles of Blake’s extraordinary illuminated books in all their visionary strangeness and exceptional beauty. The exhibition features a selection of plates from Blake’s most iconic works; hundreds more plates at affordable prices are available here in the extended online catalogue.

Short List 5 (New Series): 25 Children’s Books

By John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller

Short List 5 (New Series): 25 Children’s Books Books to entertain, to educate, or to dazzle with illustration (and occasionally all three). Highlights include Edward Lear in a sociable mood, a stunning 1930s cloth book, and a rare work of 18th-century egalitarian education

How to request a print version: For a print version, please contact us at

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